
Synopsis #

Header: fxcg/display.h
Syscall index: 0x0921
Function signature: int Bdisp_EnableColor(int n);

Switches the screen between full color mode (16 bits per pixel, RGB565) and indexed color mode (3 bits per pixel, 8 colors - the same that can be used with PrintXY).

Parameters #

  • n: 0 to disable full color, 1 to enable full color.

Returns #

The result of Bdisp_IsZeroDDRegisterB (see disassembly for details).

Comments #

One can switch between the two color modes as needed, not just when an add-in starts.

This function does not yield immediate results. If you want that use Bdisp_SetDDRegisterB. You can call Bdisp_FrameAndColor or a function that uses Bdisp_FrameAndColor such as GetKey.

Most of the time, the OS works with the indexed color mode to reduce memory requirements and increase speed. Exceptions include the main menu, whenever a g3p picture is displayed, and screens with a theme-related background like the eActivity file browser. Most custom add-ins work always in full color mode regardless of needing any color other than the eight indexed ones - this is a often forgotten optimization tip.

To get a better understanding of what really happens see the disassembly.


colorType   = -0xC

        mov.l   r14, @-r15
        sts.l   pr, @-r15
        add #-4, r15
        mov.l   #Bdisp_IsZeroDDRegisterB, r2
        jsr @r2 ! Bdisp_IsZeroDDRegisterB
        mov.l   r4, @(0xC+colorType,r15)
        mov.l   @(0xC+colorType,r15), r4
        extu.b  r0, r14
        bsr Bdisp_ColorAndFrameSetFlags
        mov #7, r5
        mov r14, r0
        add #4, r15
        lds.l   @r15+, pr
        mov.l   @r15+, r14
! End of function Bdisp_EnableColor