
Synopsis #

Header: fxcg/display.h
Syscall index: 0x1A0A
Function signature: void Scrollbar(struct scrollbar* scrollbar)

Displays a vertical scrollbar that cannot reach the status area at the top.

Parameters #

  • TScrollbar* scrollbar - settings for the scrollbar (indicator and bar position and size).

    typedef struct{
      unsigned int i1; // unknown, set to zero
      unsigned int indicatormaximum; // maximum logical indicator range
      unsigned int indicatorheight; // height of the indicator in units of indicatormaximum
      unsigned int indicatorpos; // indicator position in units of indicatormaxiumum
      unsigned int i5; // unknown, set to zero
      unsigned short barleft; // left position of the bar in pixels
      unsigned short bartop; // top position of the bar in pixels
      unsigned short barheight; // height of the bar in pixels
      unsigned short barwidth; // width of the bar in pixels
    } TScrollbar;