
Synopsis #

Header: fxcg/serial.h
Syscall index: 0x13F1
Function signature: int Comm_Terminate(unsigned char subtype)

Sends a Protocol 7.00 terminate packet of the given subtype. Not to be confused with Comm_Close.

Parameters #

  • subtype - Subtype of the packet to send:
    • 0 is “default” and makes the connected calculator exit displaying “Complete!”,
    • 1 is for user-requested termination and makes the connected calculator exit displaying “Terminated!”,
    • 2 is for timeout-caused termination and makes the connected calculator exit displaying “Receive ERROR”,
    • 3 is for termination on overwrite request and makes the connected calculator exit receive mode silently.

Returns #

The meaning of the return value is not yet known.

Comments #

For more information on Protocol 7.00, see fxReverse.pdf.