
Synopsis #

Header: fxcg/keyboard.h
Syscall index: 0x120E
Function signature: void EditMBStringCtrl(unsigned char* MB_string, int posmax, int* start, int* xpos, int* key, int x, int y)

Edits a multi-byte string according to the specified control key (where the GetKey code is higher or equal to 30000), updates the cursor position and displays the result at the specified position. To be used in conjunction with DisplayMBString.

Parameters #

  • MB_string - pointer to multi-byte string to edit. Must not be constant, as this syscall may actually want to modify the string contents, for example, when the user presses DEL, cuts or pastes texts (cut and paste operations are linked to control keys).
  • posmax - maximum size, in bytes, the string can take; the size of the buffer MB_string points to should be taken into account, to avoid buffer overflows (when pasting from the clipboard, for example).
  • start - pointer to integer that will receive the new display start position (see the DisplayMBString parameter with the same name).
  • xpos - pointer to integer that will receive the new cursor position (see the DisplayMBString cursor parameter).
  • key - pointer to integer with the GetKey code of the key pressed. The value of key might be changed, possibly for communication between text editing syscalls and GetKey.
  • x - horizontal “homescreen” coordinate (like PrintXY) of the current text editing field.
  • y - vertical coordinate, in pixels, of the current text editing field.

x and y should be set to the same values used with DisplayMBString, for graphical consistency.

Comments #

This syscall is for when a control key is pressed during text editing. If the key pressed is not a control key, or in other words, if the GetKey code is lower than 30000, use EditMBStringChar instead.